

Prices details for escape game Únikovka venku in English

Outdoor escape games in EnglishPrice
Escape game Karlovy Vary
James Bond
1.199 CZK
Escape game Ceske Budejovice
Rudolf the Miner
1.199 CZK

Payment details for bank account transfer:
VS: today’s date (e.g. 250422)

  • The price is for unlimited size of the group.
  • It is possible to pay in EUR.


Strengthen the team spirit in the company and treat your employees to an unforgettable benefit.

The game is not limited by the number of people. In order for everyone to participate, we recommend a maximum number of 8 players. With a larger group, players can be split into teams that compete against each other for the best time.

If you really want to make happy your employees, we can make a customized escape room for you.

Gift cards

Are you thinking about an unusual gift? Order a gift voucher with a message or wish. The recipient can choose the location and date at will when booking.